My Monthly News Letter

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New Price List September 2022


2019 – Reflections

My first BLOG! As I take my first steps into achieving one of my goals, to write some BLOGS, please join me on these very wobbly first steps……

As we say goodbye to 2019 and welcome 2020, along with all the promise, excitement, challenges, sorrow and joy it may bring, we now know what day of the week it is, the decorations are put away, apart from that one you missed!  There is always one left behind, it gives me a chance to reflect on the incredible people I’ve had the pleasure in working with.  From school aged children to grandparents, company directors, employees and students, there is one thing that connects us all, we are all members of the Human Race, we all have a Human Brain and display Human Behaviours. This is why I love what I do. By understanding the reasons we behave in certain ways, in a given situation, I can help you to reflect, dream big, make changes and celebrate success.  I’ve heard some incredible personal stories of courage, resilience, success, tragedy, sadness and happiness this year.  We are all products of our experiences some good, some bad. But the world keeps turning, it doesn’t stand still, allowing us time-out to take a breath, to re-group and gather our strength for the next challenge that comes our way.  I can’t stop time, however what I can do is give you that bit of head space, to give yourself permission to step to one side for a short period of time in order to do exactly what is needed, to take a breath, to re-group to gather your strength. 

It’s Good Being Me!

If we can tell ourselves this every day our lives will be happy every day! FACT. It’s a simple concept, if you like yourself, your self confidence and self esteem is Higher than if you dis-like yourself.  If we can accept ourselves and really believeIt’s Good Being Me, your life will be a wonderful place to be.  By living a happier life, this doesn’t mean challenges will not come your way.  What will be different is how you deal with them, the approach you take, the mindset you choose, enabling you to come out stronger than before.  This is resilience. Regardless of your age, resilience gives the ability to ride life’s roller-coaster.  To take on the ups and downs head-on.  You will be like a Phoenix, rising from the ashes, brighter and stronger than you ever thought possible.So, as we go into 2020, remember it’s okay to reach out and ask for help if you feel overwhelmed, in a muddle or simply feel unhappy. If you want to get better at tennis, you’d hire a tennis coach.  If you want to get better at life, hire a Life Coach.

Make 2020 your best ever and surround yourself with amazing positive people, celebrate your successes, however small, step out of your comfort zone and HAVE FUN!
